SATs Papers
Download SATs papers for free.
SATs papers are national curriculum tests used by schools to assess children's academic progress. SATs tests are taken in both primary school and secondary school, at the end of Year 2, Year 6 and Year 9. SATs are a blend of exams and teacher assessments.
Past SATs Papers
Past SATs papers are real SATs tests that were published and used in previous years. These past papers have been used for many years in schools to help prepare pupils for their upcoming SATs.
Real SATs papers are provided to schools as printed documents but thankfully, SATs past papers are available to download.
Use these SATs papers at home for private study and mark them using the mark schemes (answers). Then, check the scaled scores (or level thresholds) and see whether your child has reached the expected standard.

KS2 SATs Papers
At the end of Year 6, children take Key Stage 2 SATs papers (KS2 SATs) in English Reading, Maths, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GaPS). Children may also take a Year 6 SATs paper in Science and a teacher assessment in Writing.
KS1 SATs Papers
At the end of Year 2, children take Key Stage 1 SATs papers (KS1 SATs) in English Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GaPS). Children will also take a separate writing test.

Download SATs Past Papers
You can download all past SATs papers from our website. Whether you're a parent or a teacher you can use our website to download old SATs papers for free and help prepare children for their real SATs exams. is the most popular SATs website in the world.
Alternatively, if you want to do an online SATs paper, try one of our Online SATs Tests!
Using SATs Papers at Home
While these SATs papers are frequently used at school and with private tutors, we encourage parents to use them at home too.

Choosing the right SATs Papers
If your child is in Year 6 then you should use KS2 SATs papers. If your child is in Year 2 then you need to download KS1 SATs papers.
How to use SATs Papers
Download Past SATs Papers
Download the SATs papers that are appropriate for your pupil's age. You need to download the English Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling papers along with their answers. For some papers, you will also need to download the guidance notes.
It's best to start with the most recent SATs papers, the 2024 SATs Papers.
The 2024 SATs include all the core assessments (such as reading comprehension, mental arithmetic and short-answer grammar questions) as well as roman numerals, spelling and plenty more.
Ensure you download SATs papers from 2016 onwards as those that came before used the previous specification national curriculum (pre-2014 "new national curriculum"). Hence there may be questions that your children don't understand.
Don't forget that the 2021 and 2020 SATs papers are not available as those two tests were cancelled.
You may also want to download the separate Science SATs papers. Science is normally tested as an informal teacher assessment. However, every two years a random selection of schools take a written Science exam to help monitor standards.
Print SATs Papers
All of the SATs papers you download will then need to be printed using an A4 printer.

Check Timings
When pupils attempt to take a SATs paper, it's important that they sit it for the correct exam time so check this first as each paper is different. Use a timer to ensure pupils sit the assessment for the correct amount of time.
Equipment Check
Your child will need a pen though we recommend a pencil and rubber for easier corrections. The Maths SATs papers also require children to have a ruler, a protractor and a small, hand-sized mirror.
Take the SATs Test
Give your child the SATs paper, the stationery, a desk and a peaceful room free from distractions for the correct amount of time.

Mark the SATs Paper
After your child completes their test, you will need to mark it using the appropriate mark scheme.
Check Scaled Score
Once you have finished marking their papers, check their marks against the scaled scores (or level thresholds) to see whether they have reached the expected standard.
Download the appropriate SATs papers for your child.
Print them on A4 paper.
Check each SATs paper for how long your child should spend on it.
Check the stationery requirements.
Let your child take the SATs tests.
Mark them.
Check the scaled scores.
Why use SATs past papers?
SATs can be stressful for all involved. The best way to help tackle any potential anxieties is for children to feel familiar and comfortable with the challenges they face. We want children to feel confident!

SATs past papers are the fastest way to help prepare children for their real SATs tests. By using past papers, parents can check their children's progress before they take their real SATs papers.
We recommend downloading and working through plenty of past SATs papers. Use our SATs papers to help children prepare for their SATs and teacher assessments.
Every past SATs paper is bursting with valuable SATs style questions. These questions provide ample practice for children preparing for the KS2 SATs or KS1 SATs.
Our site provides free downloads of all SATs papers together with their answers. We encourage parents to use them to help prepare their children.
Why Prepare for KS2 SATs?
KS2 SATs in Year 6 are especially challenging tests and represent the final exam of children's primary education. Their SATs results go on to form government school league tables so they're a big deal. Download tests from 2016 onwards to ensure your child receives the right questions using the new national curriculum.
As well as using past SATs papers, parents should use our free Online SATs Tests. These multiple-choice tests in English and Maths are really useful for preparing towards the 2025 SATs.
You'll find ample SATs English papers with plenty of comprehension questions to test children's comprehension skills on our website. We also host all past writing tests for creative writing practice at home.
Lastly, ensure you take a look at our informal SATs help guide, our free guide to SATs Revision and our 12 Crucial SATs Tips for success in the 2025 KS2 SATs.
Why Prepare for KS1 SATs?
KS1 SATs will be your child's first 'proper' written tests. It's a good idea to help them practice at home so they know what to expect. Download papers from 2016 onwards (including the 2016 sample papers) for the most relevant SATs questions.
Alternatively, buy some mock SATs for Year 2 from retailers that sell KS1 SATs practise tests.

Free SATs Papers
You can access all our past papers for free. You can download as many as you like.
Which SATs Past Papers can be downloaded
Key Stage 1 SATs past papers (including Reading, Maths and GaPS).
Past Key Stage 2 SATs papers (including Reading, Maths, Science, Level 6 SATs papers, Writing Tasks, Mental Maths Tests and other old-curriculum and sample tests).
Complete past KS3 SATs papers (also known as Year 9 SATs Papers) (including Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and Shakespeare tests).
Optional SATs papers for children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 8.
Enhanced Key Stage 2 SATs resources produced by Exam Ninja including Spelling Test audio and Word Lists.
All past papers are provided in PDF format to easily print each each test. Audio downloads are available to stream online or download for later use in MP3 format. Every file name is also in an easy to read format to help you stay organised.
Is it 'SAT' or 'SATs'?
'SAT exam', 'SAT practice test' or 'SAT sample papers' all relate to the 'S.A.Ts' - American multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper tests administered by the College Board to measure high school student's academic readiness for college.
Meanwhile, 'SATs' are British tests and are very different to the American exams that share the same name. See our dedicated article to understand what SATs are.
What Papers are in KS2 SATs?
English and Maths papers are the two subjects that form the KS2 SATs papers in Year 6.
What SATs Papers do Year 6 do?
Year 6 do SATs papers in English Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (sometimes called 'SPaG' or 'GaPS').
What are the 2025 SATs?
The 2025 SATs are national curriculum assessments that will take place in May 2025.
What Papers are in SATs?
SATs Papers are taken in English and Maths for KS2 SATs and KS1 SATs.