Level 6 SATs Papers for KS2
Download Level 6 SATs Papers for KS2 for free.
Download Level 6 SATs Papers for KS2
Level 6 Reading
Level 6 Reading was an optional and more challenging test for children in Year 6. These Level 6 Reading comprehension tests were written for higher ability children.
Level 6 Reading texts and questions were more complicated than standard tests. There were fewer fact-retrieval questions and more inference and intent questions.
Level 6 Reading tests remain useful for gifted and talented pupils.
About Level 6 SATs Papers
Level 6 SATs papers were a set of optional tests for higher ability children that ended in 2015. Unlike the standard tests, Level 6 SATs were a "pass or fail" style of assessment.
The Level 6 SATs were popular with schools because their success rate was not published. Hence teachers and children had nothing to lose from having a go.
Level 6 Maths SATs papers (or Level 6 Maths tests) had several topics that were not covered in the curriculum. These Level 6 Maths questions included advanced algebra, rotation and transformation. Two papers existed but there was little difference between each Level 6 Maths paper.

Level 6 English was split into Level 6 GaPS and Level 6 Reading. Both of these tests were more complex versions of the standard KS2 tests.
What happened to Level 6 SATs Papers?
Level 6 SATs papers were phased out because of the new curriculum changes. Instead of a separate test, advanced questions are now incorporated into the papers everyone takes. This has led to plenty of criticism with pupils unable to answer every question. Thankfully, the results normalisation ensures that this does not reflect poorly on children. Or in other words, children should not be worrying about Level 6 Maths revision!

Whilst no longer set, Level 6 SATs are superb practice for talented children. Remember, what's in the current KS2 GaPS papers is in past SATs Level 6. However, Level 6 Maths questions on probability should be ignored as it is no longer in the curriculum.